Thursday, 18 March 2021

Nga Kari

Nga mihi nui Te Puna Wairua

He tino mauiui a Whaea Saf i te wiki nei, heoi, titiro mai ki nga kari aku tauira. 

E mokemoke ana au mo koutou katoa

Arohanunui Whanau xxx



  1. Kia ora Tamaki school,

    your valentines I think is really awesome and looks great. My favourite part is the husky and the dog that is saying hi. And also all of them are cool and so amazing. Hopefully you have a great weekend.
    How long did it take you?

    When did you make this?

  2. Kia ora Tamaki school,
    Your blogs are very creatvie and beatuyful.
    Wish you can post more.
    Can you make more ?
    Your friend Scarlett

  3. Kia Ora Whaea Saf and Te Puna Wairua- Tuakana

    The students from Room 5 really enjoy visiting your blog. These cards you have made for Whaea Saf are so heart warming. One of you have said take your time getting better and I think that's so important for us teachers to remember so well done for reminding your lovely teacher to take her time getting better. Hope you all have a lovely Easter break with your whanau.
    Mrs Dhaliwal
    Room 5
    Glen Taylor School

  4. Kia Ora Tamaki School my name is Francisco from Glen Taylor School,
    I like the way you guys have put a reason why you guys miss Whaea Saf. My favorite part about reading this letter is the pictures and texts that you have used.

    1. Where is Whaea Saf?
    2. Is she back at school?

    Bye Bye Tamaki School.

  5. Kia Ora tamiki school my name is Marcus from glentaylor school. I really love these cards you have
    for whaea saf they are so heart warming and I like the details you put in and the back ground is so pretty I wish you can do another one.

  6. Hi Faiva here from Glen Taylor school I like the online card you made for whaea I really think whaea will love it .by Faiva

  7. Kia Ora Tamaki School,

    My name is Uheina and I can see that you have made lovely cards for Whaea Saf. I like the way you guys have added a lot of detail into the cards it looks awesome. Your message in the card is very heart warming and positive. I enjoy seeing your blog posts, so please keep up the great work Tamaki School.

    Goodbye Tamaki School, have a great day.

  8. Hi Faiva from Glentaylor school Hi Tamki I like your guys mihi it is really nice and I like the colour of your guys backgrounds it looks beautiful.


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